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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day One: 'I looked by the window. It was snowing. I happìly walked to see the snow. Suddenly, I saw something glowy fall into the trees. I looked inside the forest looking for what that was. I spent too much time there, but I found it. It was a konpeito looking gem, and it was shining!
I came to New Bao City for an answer, and they told me:
-'It is a Sugar Gem. They fall in this month suddenly, and are so sweet- Told Bao to me'
I was soooo ecstatic 'SWEET?' I would have said. I ate it, and got so happy that wanted more!
-'You can get more another day- Told me Bao again- It's the snowy month up here!'
I didn't know so much wonders happened here, and I don't even been here for so much!'

2023-12-02 00:23:09

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day Two: 'I decided to stay in the forest looking for more Sugar Gems, but didn't appear. It wasn't until hours when saw something shining that was not on the forest, THE GEMS!
This one fell off into Bearmuda Bay and I just decided to get in the forest just in case, bah!
At least I catched it! They are so easy to discovers due to how shiny they look!'

2023-12-03 22:24:01

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day Three: 'This night, I decided to meet Rosebeary at his Bistro. I loved the food and leaved a tip but he got angry because I messed up the table with food! I apologize and in a couple of minutes it was clean. Roseary whispered to me:
-'Thank you so much for being so considerate! Don't tell to nobody, but I'll give you something I found today'
It was a handful of sugar gems.'

2023-12-04 22:47:28 (Edited 2023-12-04 22:48:38)

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day Four: 'I just watched out the sky on Baotato Valley, and a sugar gem crashed into an old windmill. It was an old, abandoned one, so it didn't had someone in there. I checked, it was moisty and full of moss, with that sugar gem shining in there. It was difficult, but I could get it. I promised myself to not enter windmills without permission anymore.'

2023-12-05 23:15:14

freychuu Avatar

Day 1: Chou
"Words gone around about this mysterious light at night.. I need to check it out.. Maybe Artemis would know more?"

2023-12-01 23:59:35

freychuu Avatar

Day 2: Chou
"Visiting Artemis today in search for more answers! Too bad she lives on this massive hill. She says its to be closer to the stars. Welll.. I don't really understand it."

2023-12-02 23:30:50

freychuu Avatar

Day 3: Chou
“It was a difficult and cold journey to get to Artemis! She invited me in with a warm cup of tea and we started chatting again. It has been awhile since I visited. So.. how do I bring up that weird light? Would she believe me? Argg just have to ask!”
“Artemis said she has heard that the stars will fall from the sky soon. It was a star?! I have never seen or heard about it but she said she is willing to go on the journey with me to the place where I saw that light! But first.. a warm and cozy nap time.”

2023-12-04 12:48:49

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.1
>> Entry penned by Fribo

As I was taking my mid-day tea break, a fellow bao informed me of an interesting phenomena that happened to them at night! I was so intrigued I stayed up late past the usual time I go to bed despite how desperately I need my beauty sleep. This cute colorful star almost hit me in the head as it landed — how rude! I'll keep an eye out for them… they seem interesting!

2023-12-01 23:12:58

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.2
>> Entry penned by Fribo

Again tonight I have made it a priority of mine to scour for these little stars! Apparently they're sugary sweet and make a great treat! I'll go ahead and start a collection of them to add to during my downtime… they'll make great gifts to the rest of my colleagues.

2023-12-02 03:16:01

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 1
Just as I was closing the store for the day my brother Roo runs up to me with...wait for it....a sugar gem! What a rare find!

2023-12-01 23:06:07

mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 1
I was out in the forest with Chi and Gloom when we saw lights shoot across the sky! We followed them and found some colorful stars- I wonder what these could be...??

2023-12-01 22:43:48 (Edited 2023-12-01 22:44:18)