🥟 Privacy Policy

Created: 8 May 2022, 09:48:00 UTC
Last updated: 6 March 2023, 15:38:14 UTC
This policy regarding your privacy applies to https://baobears.com/ (the "Site") and any information that is collected when you use the Site. If there are any terms in this privacy notice that you do not agree with, please discontinue use of the Site immediately. If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email miyabauart@gmail.com.


Although we do our best to protect your personal information, transmission of personal information to and from our Site is at your own risk. You should only access the Site within a secure environment.

We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register on the Site.
    1. Username
    2. Email Address
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Your social media account username
Some data and information is also generated and stored through normal Site participation such as:
    1. Masterlist data for ownership tracking
    2. Timestamps for Content submissions
    3. Site items and currency being earned, spent, or used


The Site may contain links to third-party sites that are not owned by Us. We are not liable for any content found on any third-party site or service.

For Purchases via Paypal, all payment data is stored by Paypalhttps://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full.


Cookies are small browser files that are not capable of gaining any personally identifiable information. Cookies can be cleared from your browser manually at any time. It is advisable to adjust your Cookie settings to fit your needs and preferences through the use of your personal browser settings.


The Site does not target, service, or knowingly collect information from any child that does not meet the minimum legal age to provide consent to data processing. If you do not meet the minimum legal age where you live (at least 13 years old in the US and up to 16 in the EU, depending on country), please immediately cease Site use. 


Your personal information will not be shared, used, or kept longer than the period of time in which you have an account with the Site.

When you share information (example: posting comments or other Content to the Site) or otherwise interact with public areas of the Site, such information may be viewed by all Users in perpetuity.


You have the right to:
  1. Request a copy of your personal information.
  2. Request corrections to outdated or inaccurate information.
  3. Request account termination.
    1. Upon your request to terminate your account, we anonymize your account and delete information on the Site where feasible (in a way that will not undermine the Masterlist's accuracy and integrity). However, due to the nature of how the back-end database is structured, traces of the account itself (not the personal information tied to it) may not be completely or comprehensively removed (e.g. backups, etc.). This process is not reversible.