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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
> Today I found something weird on my nightly beach walk. Something sparkly washed up in the sand! Just to make sure it was safe, I ate it. It was so tasty, I'll have to look for more!

2023-12-01 16:30:52 (Edited 2023-12-01 16:31:38)

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2
I found another one! This time it was on the bakery's roof. I think I will eat it.

2023-12-03 16:26:10

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 3
I went looking for more of those weird candies today. I found one under a rock. I will store it under my bed for safekeeping.

2023-12-04 04:43:01

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 4
i found another gem today! it fell into my mouth while I was looking up at the stars.

2023-12-05 13:45:01

suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1

> Today marks the first day of December. I heard from the other baobears that you could collect sugar gems, that fall from the sky, during this particular season. How exciting —

2023-12-01 15:44:54 (Edited 2023-12-02 17:07:16)

suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2

> Today is day two of my sugar gem gathering journey. I've been out all day in search of them, but I haven't been able to find any sugar gems yet. I'm starting to wonder if it's just a silly legend after all..

> I shall not give up — I'm going to keep looking, and hopefully I'll be able to find some soon!

2023-12-02 17:27:23

suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 3

> Intrigued by the idea of sugar gems, I decided to head to The Libeary to see if I could find out more information about them — I learned that the sugar gems seem to be connected to shooting stars. It's theorized that the increased number of shooting stars during this time of year could be why they're falling. There were plenty of interesting myths and tales surrounding these rare treats. I managed to borrow some books on this topic..

> It is also described to taste as sweet as wishes! Knowing this information, I'm even more motivated to find the sugar gems!

2023-12-03 19:01:30

kitkatsuji Avatar

s.n.f’s daily observation log [the sugar gem chronicles] - day 1
> minyahahhahaha
+ message moved re-written loading
+ guess what time of year it is! others are starting to collect sugar gems today. we even have one ourselves. this particular one was from rin rin. very kind, festive, a bit clueless. she does not know we have this. worry not! time to go sneak it back to her.
+ edit: she let us keep it. heck! >w<

2023-12-01 15:05:55 (Edited 2023-12-01 15:06:17)

kitkatsuji Avatar

s.n.f’s daily observation log - day 4
> loading entries from day 2 and day 3…
> buffering…
> messages failed to load. rebooting…
> day 4 entry located. loading…
> [image id]: there seems to be a lone sugar gem sitting on the table in a dimly lit room. behind in the distance, there is a computer screen. one can barely make out the picture of a christmas-decorated house. in front, s.n.f. and rin rin pose adorably together. they are each holding a sugar gem.

2023-12-04 23:47:06

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
While setting up my stand..I found a mysterious sugar crystal..where did it come from?

2023-12-01 14:09:36

LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
I almost rolled over something on my skateboard today. It fell from the sky, I think? I picked it up, and it's bright and colorful. I'm going to keep it!

2023-12-01 13:12:25