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Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day Three: 'This night, I decided to meet Rosebeary at his Bistro. I loved the food and leaved a tip but he got angry because I messed up the table with food! I apologize and in a couple of minutes it was clean. Roseary whispered to me:
-'Thank you so much for being so considerate! Don't tell to nobody, but I'll give you something I found today'
It was a handful of sugar gems.'

2023-12-04 22:47:28 (Edited 2023-12-04 22:48:38)

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October

Day Four: 'I just watched out the sky on Baotato Valley, and a sugar gem crashed into an old windmill. It was an old, abandoned one, so it didn't had someone in there. I checked, it was moisty and full of moss, with that sugar gem shining in there. It was difficult, but I could get it. I promised myself to not enter windmills without permission anymore.'

2023-12-05 23:15:14

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Five: 'I was preparing the tree for the Holidays coming, with cookies, cutouts, baubles, and when I was preparing the star, a couple of sugar gems fell with me, and a really big one bumped my head.
When I got up, I discovered a green sugar gem looking creature, who was dizzily laying down the fallen tree. I took it to the vet looking for an answer.
-So, is perdectly ok?- Told October
-Luckily, is just dizzy. Feed it with sugar gems and will be ok in some minutes, Sparkies are like that usually.
I learned about these sparky creatures that day, and came home to feed the creature and fixed the tree after.'

2023-12-07 17:51:32

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Six: 'The star creature is better, and sleeping. For some reason it doesn't leave anywhere. Even it bringed more sugar gems to me this afternoon! At least I don't have to look for them today.'

2023-12-08 21:42:48

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Seven: 'The sun is setting down, and the stars are shining, I let the creature fly since these creatures love the night, I read it. But it bringed more sugar gems to me, and insisted to walk to play in the snow. Now I see it loves my presence, so it's now my friend.'

2023-12-09 18:26:09