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mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 1
I was out in the forest with Chi and Gloom when we saw lights shoot across the sky! We followed them and found some colorful stars- I wonder what these could be...??

2023-12-01 22:43:48 (Edited 2023-12-01 22:44:18)

mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 2
I shared my discovery with my big brother, Ron! He said that this star is called a Sugar Gem. We’re going to go find more, together!

2023-12-02 22:07:50

mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 3
Ron and I went back to the forest where I first found the fallen Sugar Gem. We are going to set up camp and roast some marshmallows while we wait for the stars. I’m excited!

2023-12-04 23:28:21

mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 4
We ran into anotherbao in the forest. He made s’mores by putting sugar gems in the fluffy melted parts of the marshmallow! It was amazing, and sooo tasty!

2023-12-05 22:00:00

mizumihisui Avatar

Roo's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 5
The campfire treats from last night tasted magical. I’ve been thinking about them all day! I wonder if big brother Ron and I could make sugar gem macaroons!

2023-12-07 01:48:02 (Edited 2023-12-07 01:48:10)