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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 1:
This is Nanan!! Blubeary and I have been tracking the sugar gems across the night sky. It's a good thing he's good at navigation. He has a telescope and a compass and stuff!! So far we have 2! One for each of us, but we need one for everyone! They are so pretty and sparkly, and SWEET!! Will update as adventure continues!

2023-12-05 01:33:22

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 2:
Hello again! Blubeary and I went hiking through the powdered sugar mountains and found another sugar gem! His map is so super helpful X3 We got covered in powered sugar, it tastes super yummy. Excited to do more exploring!! Blubeary says I should drink some water and not eat so much sugar but I feel great!

2023-12-06 02:25:51

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 3:
We trekked through the Christmas tree cake forest! No luck finding a sugar gem here, but it was super pretty and tasty! Azalea was hanging around here, following some of the forest creatures around. She seemed really curious about them. I hope she doesn't get lost!

2023-12-08 00:42:44

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 4: It has been several days since my last entry. Somewhere in the Rock Candy Quarries we were ambushed by a Crystal Beast, and I haven't had much time to write while trying to keep to the shadows for fear of provoking its wrath once again. (As Nanan writes this Blubeary is telling her to just admit that she forgot to write more entries for a couple days.)

2023-12-14 02:22:02

Kr-o Avatar

Bogos sugar gem scramble log:

"Seems my search for the perfect ingredients had me stumble across a peculiar anomaly. Sugar gems, they called them? I will catalogue my findings. I found one of these famed sweets after it pelted my ship's windshield, but I heard the fun was to follow them as they land."

2023-12-04 17:14:46

mirafleurs Avatar

❅ Sugar Gem Scramble Log: ✦
day 1 || entry: cuan🦪

"what's this odd glowing thing in the water? it almost smacked my head when it landed... oh, it's a sugar gem! how neat >:3"

2023-12-03 00:23:44

mirafleurs Avatar

❅ Sugar Gem Scramble Log: ✦
day 2 || entry: cuan🦪

"i wonder if the humans near the water are seeing these glow-in-the-dark sugar gems... so many have landed in the bay! i wonder how many i can collect before they stop falling!"

2023-12-04 02:27:18

Lune Avatar

Sugar Gem Scramble Log ‧⁺ ✩‧₊
✦ DAY 1 | 🍄 Sibyl

"on a late night walk through the forest, I heard the strangest twinkling noise from in the brush... after some further investigation, I managed to find a sugar gem, how lucky!"

2023-12-02 18:32:08 (Edited 2023-12-02 18:38:16)

Key Avatar

Summit's Sugar Gem Scramble Log

Day 1: I got started a little late, but that's okay! I went out late near the edge of the city and found one along the path, lucky me!

2023-12-02 18:18:26