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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

sunpurr Avatar


> pretzel is getting ready to go sugar gem searching when he comes across his first one ... it had fallen right in his boot! luckily he noticed before stepping on it.

2023-12-02 11:26:12 (Edited 2023-12-02 11:26:20)

sunpurr Avatar


> pretzel takes a brisk stroll down his street, keeping an eye out for any gems. as he's looking around, something hits him right on the head! he looks down and exclaims excitedly as he sees it was a sugar gem!

2023-12-03 09:54:21

sunpurr Avatar


> pretzel meets up with his friend, sorrel. as they greet each other, sorrel hands pretzel a sugar gem! how kind of them.

2023-12-04 12:15:36

sunpurr Avatar


> pretzel trips over a rock on the path. but in fact, it was no rock... but a sugar gem! nice!

2023-12-15 07:12:26

glizzrybear Avatar

sugar gem scramble LOG | DAY 1
✎ ... by moony

i was enjoying a warm cup of tea when something fell into my drink. after i spooned it out and patted it dry, a curious item appeared! it looked quite pretty so i put it in a jar.
...oh! even more curiously, when i went back to my tea i found that it turned sweet~

2023-12-02 06:56:39 (Edited 2023-12-02 07:06:26)

glizzrybear Avatar

sugar gem scramble LOG | DAY 2
✎ ... by moony

i learnt of the thing from yesterday, it is called sugar gem and its been making plenty appearances! in fact, i found a couple inside a nest on my windowsill! i refrained from taking them though, but maybe they'll share some with me ☆

2023-12-03 14:28:08

glizzrybear Avatar

sugar gem scramble LOG | DAY 3
✎ ... by moony

senja called me today, he said he was hit by a sugar gem when he was on a walk. he gave the gem to me because looking at it made him sad... i took it and gave him warm tea in return. i hope he feels better!

2023-12-04 03:57:23

Entheory Avatar

-Salty Cucumbear Sugar Gem Log: Day 1-

I was excited to turn my telescope to the night skies this night as the bustle about the falling sugar gems had reached my ears. Quickly, I hurried out of my home and set up my star watching tool. The view was magical but I wasn’t having much luck seeing the sugar gems until I heard a plop just a little ways away.

Hesitantly, I left my telescope to investigate. I was filled with delight when I realized it was a fallen sugar gem.

2023-12-02 03:53:45 (Edited 2023-12-02 03:56:40)

Curious-Insanity Avatar

Day 1 -Mochi
Today while wondering about I saw a star falling from the sky! I chased after it and when I reached where it seemed to land, I found some Sugar Gems!

2023-12-02 03:49:41

Strabi Avatar

Day 1: Ash
"Today while on the boat, I saw a star fall into the water. I was able to fish it out, but I wonder who sent it here?"

2023-12-02 01:16:38