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Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.1
>> Entry penned by Fribo

As I was taking my mid-day tea break, a fellow bao informed me of an interesting phenomena that happened to them at night! I was so intrigued I stayed up late past the usual time I go to bed despite how desperately I need my beauty sleep. This cute colorful star almost hit me in the head as it landed — how rude! I'll keep an eye out for them… they seem interesting!

2023-12-01 23:12:58

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.2
>> Entry penned by Fribo

Again tonight I have made it a priority of mine to scour for these little stars! Apparently they're sugary sweet and make a great treat! I'll go ahead and start a collection of them to add to during my downtime… they'll make great gifts to the rest of my colleagues.

2023-12-02 03:16:01

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.3
>> Entry penned by Fribo

Last night I collected a cute little handful of these little 'sugar gems'. Today during tea time, I wondered what would happen if I put one in my chamomile tea… it dissolved like a sugar cube and gave the tea a wonderful punch of sweetness. Maybe it was a little too sweet though, I can still taste it even now! Maybe it's better to use one per teapot rather than one per teacup — I'll figure it all out when I've got more.

2023-12-03 00:10:08

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.4
>> Entry penned by Fribo

Since I have such a cute little pile of star gems, I took a picture of them in a cute little box and posted it on Bao-stagram… it basically blew up, ohoho~! But wait… does that mean it'll get harder for me to find them since everyone wants some now? Oh no, what have I done?!

2023-12-04 02:15:16

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Feast of Frosted Stars ~ Sugar Gem Gathering Log ~ DEC.5
>> Entry penned by Fribo

Despite star gems getting so popular, I was still able to gather some today by traveling a little ways out of the city. Since I have so many, I've tried to tape them to strings so I could hang them up as stage decor… that didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Back to collecting again…

2023-12-05 00:31:19