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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

Nora Avatar

Day 1:
I totally forgot to gather them, hello. Seems Yume has infected me with forgetfulness

2023-12-22 21:43:27

Nora Avatar

Day 2: I write down "search for" on my arm and then stop at the last word. I can't remember what I was searching for. I look at Yume and Tangerine, maybe they know what it was

2023-12-23 21:09:15

Nora Avatar

Day 3: Tangerine looks at me "is this what we're searching for?" They say holding the gems like it's nothing. I'm dumbfounded

2023-12-24 20:40:37

Nora Avatar

Day 4: Yume apologizes, and gives me a drawing of what we're looking for. We don't split up, it's better to stay together even if it's 'dangerous'

2023-12-25 00:21:22

bittervalentine Avatar

❄️ sugar gem gathering log; ❄️
day 1 | Ambrosia

Despite how relatively new to the city the pastel pink baobear was, they knew all about the upcoming holidays events from the excited murmurs wherever they went. One of them particularly caught their interest... the Sugar Gem Scramble. Although they had been too busy with holiday shopping to actively be on the lookout, the description of mouth watering, sugary star shaped treats stayed constantly at the back of their mind.
And as their stomach rumbled on their way home through a quiet park, they had begun to think they were mayhaps thinking about it too much, surely the shiny, pale yellow treat they were seeing nestled in a nearby rosebush couldn't be real... Yet, a bright twinkle sparked in their blue eyes as they reached out and grabbed the hard candy in their paws.
It was real! They thought giddly as they stuffed it in their satchel and hurried home as quickly as their stubby legs would allow.

2023-12-21 20:25:43

bittervalentine Avatar

day 2 | Ambrosia

A loud grumbling had awoken Ambrosia that night, their tummy urging them to get a midnight snack. As they rummaged through their fridge with bleary eyes they spotted a faint yellow glow on their kitchen windowsill... Another! Quickly opening the window, they grab it and stash it in a jar with the other Sugar Gem they had found.

2023-12-24 20:08:46

bittervalentine Avatar

day 3 | Ambrosia

Ambrosia stared at the jar of their two lonely sugar gems, frustrated with their lack of finding any yesterday... Thinking, they sighed. Alright. They'd have to be a little more proactive on their search today!

2023-12-26 14:18:59

kittygarden Avatar

♡ Sugar Gem Collection Log ♡
Day 1 || Bao

It was time. Bao had been waiting for this all year. The delicious delicious nectar that was sugar gems... Bao knew one thing and one thing only, Bao needed to get their paws on some... Bao drooled thinking about them, and trekked forward to the field that was noted to be a high frequency spot last year.

2023-12-15 03:32:21

kittygarden Avatar

Day 2 || Bao

Something unexpected happened. Bao ran into an old friend, Bearlock Holmes, who was also looking for sugar gems. They decided to team up and hunt the sugar gems together. The downside? Bao has to share. The upside? A detective may be able to sleuth out the location of the sweet goods. A fair trade indeed...

2023-12-17 04:50:12

gouraku Avatar

❅ Sugar Gem Colection Log:❅
day 1 || Zack

I found something strange on my way home from New Bao City. I was carrying my new art supplies for my next art project when all of a sudden something hit my head and I dropped all of my stuff. It was a good thing no bao was around. That would have been embarassing. I quickly scrambed to gather my dropped items and I spottd something glimmering in the snowbank. Upon further inspection it appeared to be some kind of star candy! How exciting I hope I can find more.

2023-12-14 02:27:44

TheSettingSunn Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log:
Entry 1: I was on my way out of my house this morning when I saw something glowing on the ground. I knew it was early morning, so it could have been a firefly from last night, so I went to get a closer look. It looks like.. a glowing candy? I've never seen it before so I'm not sure if it has a name. It seems safe so far!

2023-12-08 03:07:28