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Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 1
Just as I was closing the store for the day my brother Roo runs up to me with...wait for it....a sugar gem! What a rare find!

2023-12-01 23:06:07

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 2
I would love to use Sugar gems to decorate my macarrons! With thr help of my little brother Roo we will go hunt more of them!

2023-12-03 00:15:13

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 3
Me and my brother went back to the forest with all the equipment we needed! Plus lots of sugary snacks. I think I spotted a ray of stars falling near here! I wonder how many we will find.

2023-12-04 23:47:12

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 4
After a few hours of looking for sugar gems, our bellies decided it was time for a break. Luckily, we found a fellow camper who offered us some S'mores. There were sugar gems inside, how tasty!!

2023-12-05 21:42:00

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Ron's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day 5
Roo gave me an idea to make sugar gem macaroons. I’ll have to make different varieties and gather quality ingredients to create a perfect recipe! Let’s head out on an adventure.

2023-12-06 19:57:43