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Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Entries

2023-12-01 08:44:42 (Edited 2023-12-01 08:44:48)

gabbysned Avatar

ridley's sugar gem log: day one
i was just touching up my sandcastle tonight when a giant cluster of stars fell from the sky and flattened it!!!!!! :O are these the fabled sugar gems? they look so beautiful!!! i must find more!!!

2023-12-01 22:42:21

gabbysned Avatar

day two
i found another sugar gem tonight!!! i'm going to put them all along the parapet of my sandcastle, then it will be beautiful like the sky!!!!!!

2023-12-02 23:24:34

gabbysned Avatar

day three
my sandcastle is shaping up!!! with all these sugar gems washing up on the beach, i'll be a king in no time!!!

2023-12-04 01:33:36

gabbysned Avatar

day four
i forgot the most important part -- every king needs a crown!! my sandcastle is almost done, but i definitely need some sugar gems to put on my bucket crown!!!

2023-12-05 04:13:31

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar gem log day 1:
making some dinner.. and I see something flash in the window and fall near the park? i wonder what that is?

2023-12-01 22:34:23

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar gem log day 2:
came back from work... see more sparkling things in the sky !! baotwt online says is sugar star season, I should check it out tomorrow since I'm free!!!

2023-12-03 11:21:17

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar gem log day 3:
made dinner early and went out to the park where i saw the first flash two nights ago! i found one... it was green... should i lick it? i should collect them all and give to friends!

2023-12-04 09:33:29 (Edited 2023-12-28 00:20:09)

Elissinia Avatar

Echo's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
> I lost track of time staring at the stars last night and I swear one fell from the sky... this morning I even saw it at the beach! It was a lot smaller than I expected but a lot tastier too!

2023-12-01 18:08:13

Elissinia Avatar

Echo's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2
> This time it wasn't a dream after all!!! Those tasty stars keep falling from the sky but I've only caught a few more to eat... seems like everybaody else has noticed, too...

2023-12-04 18:50:10

Yves Avatar

Yue's sugar gathering log day 1:
>Today, the night sky has been twinkling non-stop. I asked Polaris about it, and she told me that I should try to catch a sugar gem to bring home with me. Today I saw many sparkles flying across the sky, but none landed close to me... I will keep looking!

2023-12-01 17:28:42

Peachiepeeps Avatar

Yume's Sugar Gem Gathering Log Day 1:
There was a rumor that these sweet sparkly things could cause something magical. Yume needed to know. So she set out to the beach!

2023-12-01 16:49:38 (Edited 2023-12-01 16:50:01)