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freychuu Avatar

Day 1: Chou
"Words gone around about this mysterious light at night.. I need to check it out.. Maybe Artemis would know more?"

2023-12-01 23:59:35

freychuu Avatar

Day 2: Chou
"Visiting Artemis today in search for more answers! Too bad she lives on this massive hill. She says its to be closer to the stars. Welll.. I don't really understand it."

2023-12-02 23:30:50

freychuu Avatar

Day 3: Chou
“It was a difficult and cold journey to get to Artemis! She invited me in with a warm cup of tea and we started chatting again. It has been awhile since I visited. So.. how do I bring up that weird light? Would she believe me? Argg just have to ask!”
“Artemis said she has heard that the stars will fall from the sky soon. It was a star?! I have never seen or heard about it but she said she is willing to go on the journey with me to the place where I saw that light! But first.. a warm and cozy nap time.”

2023-12-04 12:48:49

freychuu Avatar

Day 4: Chou
“After Artemis and I awoke from our nap we decided to visit Loretta’s library! It might give us some clues and would be better than running around aimlessly. What kind of star could it be? Why is it falling now? I must know!”

2023-12-05 01:15:30

freychuu Avatar

Day 5: Chou
“We finally reached Loretta’s place! How cozy and warm her house is. If we weren’t in a rush I would’ve stayed for a bit!”
“Loretta gave us a book to read that sounds like what we are describing. We studied and pieced some things together and eventually drew a map! Onto this journey we go!”

2023-12-06 23:16:36