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bittervalentine Avatar

❄️ sugar gem gathering log; ❄️
day 1 | Ambrosia

Despite how relatively new to the city the pastel pink baobear was, they knew all about the upcoming holidays events from the excited murmurs wherever they went. One of them particularly caught their interest... the Sugar Gem Scramble. Although they had been too busy with holiday shopping to actively be on the lookout, the description of mouth watering, sugary star shaped treats stayed constantly at the back of their mind.
And as their stomach rumbled on their way home through a quiet park, they had begun to think they were mayhaps thinking about it too much, surely the shiny, pale yellow treat they were seeing nestled in a nearby rosebush couldn't be real... Yet, a bright twinkle sparked in their blue eyes as they reached out and grabbed the hard candy in their paws.
It was real! They thought giddly as they stuffed it in their satchel and hurried home as quickly as their stubby legs would allow.

2023-12-21 20:25:43

bittervalentine Avatar

day 2 | Ambrosia

A loud grumbling had awoken Ambrosia that night, their tummy urging them to get a midnight snack. As they rummaged through their fridge with bleary eyes they spotted a faint yellow glow on their kitchen windowsill... Another! Quickly opening the window, they grab it and stash it in a jar with the other Sugar Gem they had found.

2023-12-24 20:08:46

bittervalentine Avatar

day 3 | Ambrosia

Ambrosia stared at the jar of their two lonely sugar gems, frustrated with their lack of finding any yesterday... Thinking, they sighed. Alright. They'd have to be a little more proactive on their search today!

2023-12-26 14:18:59