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gouraku Avatar

❅ Sugar Gem Colection Log:❅
day 1 || Zack

I found something strange on my way home from New Bao City. I was carrying my new art supplies for my next art project when all of a sudden something hit my head and I dropped all of my stuff. It was a good thing no bao was around. That would have been embarassing. I quickly scrambed to gather my dropped items and I spottd something glimmering in the snowbank. Upon further inspection it appeared to be some kind of star candy! How exciting I hope I can find more.

2023-12-14 02:27:44

gouraku Avatar

❅ Sugar Gem Colection Log:❅
day 2|| Zack

The holiday season has been so busy, so I haven't been on the look out for these weird gems. Though I can't keep my mind off of these wierd gems. So I decided to go on a lookout for them. I decided to go back to where I first found them, in front of the Mayor's office. Bingo! in the grass there were more of these sugar gems. They come in so many different colors. I'm excited to find more.

2023-12-21 16:52:42