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LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
I almost rolled over something on my skateboard today. It fell from the sky, I think? I picked it up, and it's bright and colorful. I'm going to keep it!

2023-12-01 13:12:25

LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2
Apparently the thing I almost ran over yesterday is called a sugar gem. I tasted it, and it's super sweet!
Mint got mad at me for eating something I found on the ground.
Gonna keep my eye out for more!

2023-12-02 03:55:34

LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 3
I found more! There were some falling from the sky, and I managed to skate over to where I figured they would land. I caught one in my paw!

2023-12-03 16:46:22

LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 4

I now have three sugar gems - one blue, one pink, and one yellow. Keeping my eye on the sky has paid off! I had a lot more, but I gave them to Mint and some of my neighbors.

2023-12-04 19:46:05 (Edited 2023-12-05 15:58:44)

LeechiPeachy Avatar

Steve's Sugar Gem Log: Day 5

Mint told me that he used the sugar gems I gave him to sweeten his tea. Which, like, weird that he yelled at me for eating one off the floor then put one in his tea.

Anyway, I put some in my can of soda that I found in the grass this morning and it tasted amazing!

2023-12-05 15:57:36 (Edited 2023-12-05 15:59:24)