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Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 4
i found another gem today! it fell into my mouth while I was looking up at the stars.

2023-12-05 13:45:01

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 5
no gems today. my stomach continues to rumble.

2023-12-06 18:51:24

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 6
i woke up this morning and a sugar gem was in my mouth. amazing! i wonder where it came from!

2023-12-07 01:16:12

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Sugar Gem Log: Day 7
Today I stuck my paw into my mouth, to wash it as I usually do before preparing a tasty meal, and I found a sweet surprise buried in my paw pad! Now I must check the other three...

2023-12-08 06:51:23

Samagirl Avatar

((double post! please disregard!))

2023-12-07 01:16:10 (Edited 2023-12-07 01:17:15)