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gabbysned Avatar

day four
i forgot the most important part -- every king needs a crown!! my sandcastle is almost done, but i definitely need some sugar gems to put on my bucket crown!!!

2023-12-05 04:13:31

gabbysned Avatar

day five
i found a couple more, but its really hard to stick the sugar gems to my bucket... maybe i'll find some treesap in the forest?

2023-12-06 05:08:56

gabbysned Avatar

day six
eugh... tree sap is sooooo sticky!! i can't get it off my hands!!! but i found a REALLY BIG sugar gem in the forest -- it's going on top of my bucket FOR SURE!!!!!!
(this entry has tree sap on the page)

2023-12-07 01:03:24

gabbysned Avatar

day seven
MY GIANT SUGAR GEM CAME TO LIFE OVERNIGHT!!! SO SCARY!!! ............its kind of cute though... i think it likes me... hehe it licked my hand and gave me a little zap :3

2023-12-08 03:16:36