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Elissinia Avatar

Echo's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
> I lost track of time staring at the stars last night and I swear one fell from the sky... this morning I even saw it at the beach! It was a lot smaller than I expected but a lot tastier too!

2023-12-01 18:08:13

Elissinia Avatar

Echo's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2
> This time it wasn't a dream after all!!! Those tasty stars keep falling from the sky but I've only caught a few more to eat... seems like everybaody else has noticed, too...

2023-12-04 18:50:10

Elissinia Avatar

Echo's Sugar Gem Log: Day 3
> I made a map of where I found each star and it was going well... until I started eating the stars before I marked the map... and then I lost the map!

2023-12-10 23:02:31