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Summit's Sugar Gem Scramble Log

Day 1: I got started a little late, but that's okay! I went out late near the edge of the city and found one along the path, lucky me!

2023-12-02 18:18:26

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Day 2: I've seen so many other baobears out collecting these and have made so many friends! I'll have to see if some of my friends want to join in next time I come...

2023-12-03 18:23:14

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Day 3: I went out by the beach with Nightfrost tonight! We found so many sugar gems, it was great!!

2023-12-04 17:51:53

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Day 4: I was lucky enough to have a sugar gem just fall into my paws while I was out walking this evening! They're so beautiful...

2023-12-05 18:56:27

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Day 5: I spent hours looking for sugar gems tonight but I couldn't find any. At least I ran into Kinoko in the forest and we chatted for a bit! I'll continue my search tomorrow!

2023-12-06 15:24:56