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dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 2:
Hello again! Blubeary and I went hiking through the powdered sugar mountains and found another sugar gem! His map is so super helpful X3 We got covered in powered sugar, it tastes super yummy. Excited to do more exploring!! Blubeary says I should drink some water and not eat so much sugar but I feel great!

2023-12-06 02:25:51

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 3:
We trekked through the Christmas tree cake forest! No luck finding a sugar gem here, but it was super pretty and tasty! Azalea was hanging around here, following some of the forest creatures around. She seemed really curious about them. I hope she doesn't get lost!

2023-12-08 00:42:44

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 4: It has been several days since my last entry. Somewhere in the Rock Candy Quarries we were ambushed by a Crystal Beast, and I haven't had much time to write while trying to keep to the shadows for fear of provoking its wrath once again. (As Nanan writes this Blubeary is telling her to just admit that she forgot to write more entries for a couple days.)

2023-12-14 02:22:02

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log
Entry 5: Our journey led us to a super pretty view of the ocean from the top of a super cool forest cliff! We found another sugar gem! We're getting close to finding all the ones Blubeary marked on his map. He's lucky he has me with him to help him with the wilderness navigation, he's way better at sea stuff >:3

2023-12-15 02:22:02

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log:
Entry 6: Nanan got bored of writing journal entries so this is Blubeary! We saw a really cool aurora borealis on our way back over the mountain. I wonder if the sugar gem fall had something to do with it? We've gotten a pretty good haul. I wouldn't have been able to find them all without Nanan's help!

2023-12-18 01:19:20