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Nora Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - curated by Nora, written by any Bao who happened to be on the beach (shhh) :

2023-08-01 17:31:39

Nora Avatar

Day 21: The beach is officially lost, as well as a significant part of the coastline in this country. There has been an increase in sand castles all over the concrete, the creamtopus invading the streets and making commuting impossible. Baos have resorted to eating them. It's the apocalypse.

2023-08-27 23:23:25

Nora Avatar

Day 20: Tangerine has come back to the beach and is talking in tongues to the creamtopus. I don't know whats happening anymore, I've never seen Tan like this and the sand castles are multiplying at a staggering rate (-Hanami)

2023-08-26 00:17:22

Nora Avatar

Day 19: "soooo.... what's up with all the sand castles? they're all over the shore. . ." (-Kon)

2023-08-24 01:12:36

Nora Avatar

Day 18: The mounds are bigger than yesterday, and Kon says he's been getting complaints all day from customers (-Hanami)

2023-08-23 23:31:56

Nora Avatar

Day 17: I spotted Tangerine on my way, they were coming back from the beach and they seemed pretty upset but also determined. As I approach the beach, I see some mounds of sand where I last spotted the creamtopus. That's weird, I better ask Kon if he spotted anything unusual (-Hanami)

2023-08-22 21:11:47 (Edited 2023-08-22 23:04:59)