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Nora Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - curated by Nora, written by any Bao who happened to be on the beach (shhh) :

2023-08-01 17:31:39

Nora Avatar

Day 6: I asked the tangerines if their kind had tangerine flavour, they did not. I will leave them alone.

(A/N: tangerine has met the creamtopus and spoiler alert!!! Knows how to talk to them ????)

2023-08-09 02:54:43

Nora Avatar

Day 5: Day X of my life as a slave for Hanami, and today I'm delivering paper and crayons before work. Guess I can't complain tho, just saw the cutest creature ever crawl around. At first I thought she dropped her strawberry icecream, but then I realized it was alive. Guess everything can be alive if you're drunk enough

2023-08-08 22:25:06

Nora Avatar

Day 4: Second day I went to the beach, and I spotted one of the creatures! They don't seem to speak out language, but when I drew In the sand with a stick they got what I wanted to say! I'll ask Kon to bring crayons and paper when he arrives for the morning shift (-Hanami)

2023-08-06 20:41:47

Nora Avatar

Day 3: I went to the beach after someone told me a creature was lying around in the sand, but when I got there it was gone - I'll try coming back tomorrow at sunrise, as it's now after sunset and maybe the creature just went home

2023-08-04 19:18:05

Nora Avatar

Day 2: I was opening the bar today, and I spotted some critters walking around the beach, scavenging under a forgotten towel. I offered them some chocolate syrup (-Kon)

2023-08-02 08:55:03