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Nora Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - curated by Nora, written by any Bao who happened to be on the beach (shhh) :

2023-08-01 17:31:39

Nora Avatar

Day 1: I wonder what life is, being a creature that is not a tangerine. Do you experience joy, pain, companionship, my chocolate-y friend? Are you here for a greater good, or do you wish to enjoy the essence of my being with me? I shall expand your flavour profile by giving you this.

(Editor note: why does it always end like this when it's Tangerine, I wonder who let them write on this book. To clarify this entry, a creamtopus has appeared on the beach and has approached Tangerine, asking for food. We don't know what it means yet, we will keep you posted)

2023-08-01 17:36:21