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Nora Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - curated by Nora, written by any Bao who happened to be on the beach (shhh) :

2023-08-01 17:31:39

Nora Avatar

Day 16: I brought an icecream cone of pressed tangerines to the creamtopus, precious tangerines from my daily dose, and they rejected it. (-Tangerine)

Author notes: Tangerine does not know if the emotions they're feeling are healthy or if they want to declare war to the tangerine deniers, it will be elaborated

2023-08-21 23:12:22

Nora Avatar

Day 15: I brought the creamtopus some shells made from resin and the algae they brought me, as well as some flowers
They've been colored blue and the algae and flowers had to dry before becoming usable, so it took a while. I've made different shapes, since they told me it was hard to hide at the bottom of the ocean when their colors are so bright. They seem really happy! (-Flora)

2023-08-20 00:11:23

Nora Avatar

Day 14: (a drawing of gold bars, no writing)

Author note: the page is still wet and there's sand and round suction prints all over the book, the suspect for this entry is white creamtopus, we must investigate

2023-08-19 11:13:33

Nora Avatar

Day 13: Tangerine has brought them gold. I don't know from where or how they got it, but I'll close my eyes if the police comes looking for it. The white creamtopus has sparkles in their eyes, world domination plans: confirmed (-Kon)

2023-08-17 15:38:04

Nora Avatar

Day 12: the menaces didn't lie, and I should probably be more respectful. They're enjoying the milk I've left them in the kid-sized pool as I write (-Kon)
(They're so cute -Hanami, 1 hour later)

2023-08-16 07:22:48 (Edited 2023-08-16 07:22:56)