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Creamtopus Catalogue: Entries

2023-08-01 15:50:59 (Edited 2023-08-01 15:51:08)

mmj Avatar

Creamtopus Catalouge: DAY#01
> "I've finally found myself roped into observing these 'Creamtopus' creatures. They exhibit... well dare I say cute behavior. I've almost warmed up to the idea to keeping one as a pet. Though they come from the ocean, I wonder if they will melt if I take one swimming..." ~Saltlick

2023-08-25 15:26:32

mmj Avatar

Creamtopus Catalouge: DAY#02
> "This entry may be a little rushed but, I've procured a creamtopus! I found this specimen rummaging around my lunch bag, everything was still present - aside from the dessert. Time to do a little up close observation!" -Saltlick

2023-08-26 17:30:57

mmj Avatar

Creamtopus Catalouge: DAY#03
> "It's rather late for an entry, but I've been busy taking care of this little guy ever since I got it. The creature has an affinity for treats I've found. Though, does not seem used to living as a pet. I may try bringing it back to the beach for more natural observations." ~Saltlick

2023-08-28 01:16:11

Amiiray Avatar

- Coral's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 1 -
> I got to enjoy a treat as I walked along the beach...a lot of people lost their ice cream today, huh? There are so many cones in the sand!
Oh? I think one of them moved!

2023-08-21 16:42:54 (Edited 2023-08-25 21:52:02)

Amiiray Avatar

- Coral's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 2 -
> Turns out those cones in the sand were creatures! I've seen three of them today! Two vanilla and one chocolate...are they made of ice cream?

2023-08-22 18:49:26 (Edited 2023-08-26 22:43:41)

Amiiray Avatar

- Coral's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 3 -
> Came back with another treat today! When I sat down, I counted 5 of the creatures that came up to me! One chocolate, two strawberry and two vanilla!

I think I heard someone say they're called Creamtopus?

2023-08-25 21:57:21 (Edited 2023-08-26 22:43:34)

bladed6 Avatar

-creamtopous catalogue: day 1-
I was sitting by the beach with my magnifying glass out.... can creamtopous melt? they kept coming towards the beams from my glass...

2023-08-19 01:47:45

bladed6 Avatar

-creamtopous catalogue: day 2!-
i was by the shore today to walk on the boardwalk! there were a bunch of these cream shell animal toys? i really wanted to see some of these animals today when I went for a walk by the beach, but I couldn't find any! where did they go?

2023-08-20 01:59:40

goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue: day 1 ~
i went to the beach after work today to find a pretty seashell to give to my baoloved :3 searching for the perfect seashell was hard! that is, until i saw an unusual cone-shaped shell in the sand. i had never seen anything like it! i reached out to pick it up and--huh?! there was some kind of creature attached to it?!

2023-08-11 02:57:15 (Edited 2023-08-11 03:01:15)

softsy Avatar
softsy Staff Member

Today, I brought my cowboy hat collection to the beach with me to keep my hands busy as I quietly observed the Creamtopus population. This did not go as plan though. Tomorrow, I will be leaving my cowboy hat collection at home.
14 15 creamtopi spotted
-1 cowboy hat

2023-08-08 17:53:33 (Edited 2023-08-08 17:56:37)