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Creamtopus Catalogue: Entries

2023-08-01 15:50:59 (Edited 2023-08-01 15:51:08)

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1: Today I went paragliding over the ocean and I saw a bunch of round, moving shapes clumped together in the water!! I think they were creamtopi!!!!!

2023-08-02 05:56:38

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 2: I went back to the beach near where I saw the shapes, and there were 5!! 5 WHOLE creamtopi on the shore!!!!! There were two vanillas and three chocolates :3

2023-08-03 01:51:08

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 3: Today I was eating on the beach, and a strawberry creamtopus came up to me! I tried sharing my corn dog with it, but it didn't seem to like it. It DID like my churro, and it got cinnamon sugar all over itself! Now we match!!

2023-08-04 19:09:10

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 4: I poked a creamtopus and it was sooooooooo cold and squishy!

2023-08-06 07:40:57

Sunnie Avatar

Creamtopus Catalog - Day 1:
I have yet to spot one of these creatures... Am I here too late in the evening? Or maybe I just need new glasses...

2023-08-02 03:33:09

Sunnie Avatar

Creamtopus Catalog - Day 2:
Something pink is down below the waves at the shore - could it be...? Ah, it's moving out to sea...! I'll try again tomorrow.

2023-08-03 04:03:45

Sunnie Avatar

Creamtopus Catalog - Day 3:
There it is...! A pink creamtopus! Ah, I smell strawberries in the air as it scuttles around the beach... I should get some dessert.

2023-08-04 00:41:30

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1
Went to the beach today and accidentally dropped my ice cream. When I sadly went to pick it up by the cone, I accidentally picked up a creamtopus… it was as surprised as I was!

2023-08-02 03:10:02

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 2:
After a bad start I wanted to apologize to the creamtopus, so I bought another icecream cone from them today!...Now that I think about it, would they even eat it? Or would they think the icecream is another creamtopus?

2023-08-03 03:26:57

Mimie Avatar

Bloom's's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1
>Went to the beach to collect seashells to buy a snack from the summer shop. Tripped over a rock buried in the sand, faceplanted on a creamtopus. Think I will call them squishy. Will have to return to the beach tomorrow for the seashells, I had to take the creamtopus to the pet store for food instead!

2023-08-02 00:24:17 (Edited 2023-08-02 01:00:22)

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1
> after i got off my shift at the bakery, i was on my way to visit my baofriend, and i saw a really! cool!! creature!!! it wouldn't let go of my leg so it is mine now. its name is nilla because it reminds me of the vanilla ice cream my baofriend sells. i love this little friend!!!!

2023-08-01 20:14:58 (Edited 2023-08-01 20:15:26)