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Creamtopus Catalogue: Entries

2023-08-01 15:50:59 (Edited 2023-08-01 15:51:08)

Bloo Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue Log: Day 1
These creatures are small and cute and gather in numbers. I wonder what they are thinking.

2023-08-01 17:10:46

Bloo Avatar

Here is day 2

Creamtopus Catalogue Day 3:
Love, hiding behind a rock see a creamtopus. So happy to see such a cute creature…she chases it down. The creamtopus runs while being chased. They are surprisingly fast.

2023-08-03 14:02:05

Bloo Avatar

Day 4: creamtopus !

Today was such a wonderful day. I went exploring and saw a creamtopus ( vanilla flavour I believe) the tiny creature was so cute and lively. We played together in the sand.

2023-08-06 16:57:30 (Edited 2023-08-07 00:49:24)

Bloo Avatar

Day 5: Creamtopus log

The creamtopi ? (Maybe gotta do more research) decided to make cute circles in the sand making an intricate pattern..are they trying to communicate??

2023-08-08 01:26:42

Key Avatar

Summit's Creamtopus Log - August 1st:
Saw about 8 creamtopus today. There was a group of similar coloured ones together! Maybe a family?

2023-08-01 17:02:01

Key Avatar

Summit's Creamtopus Log - August 2nd:
I saw even more creamtopus today! Maybe not as many as yesterday, I tried to touch one and it slowly skittered away. Maybe they'll trust me as the days go by...

2023-08-02 13:15:17

Key Avatar

Summit's Creamtopus Log - August 3rd:
I ALMOST TOUCHED ONE BUT FINN FLEW UP TO ME AND SCARED THEM ALL AWAY!!! I'm so disappointed... but I'm getting closer!! I saw 4 vanilla ones sunning themselves on a rock.

2023-08-03 18:33:40

mizumihisui Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 1

The body is round. Its little legs aren’t designed for distance.

2023-08-01 17:01:43

mizumihisui Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 2

The creamtopus scrunches up its face. Maybe it has brain freeze? Or maybe it needs ten tickles to make it laugh…

2023-08-02 19:50:29

Yves Avatar

Puff's log- day 1!
Amie keeps trying to put the Creamtopus in his mouth-- I'm worried they might be poisonous. Hopefully all updates to this log will be paw-sitive!

2023-08-01 16:58:53

WOOD2D Avatar

August 1, 2023

An anonymous viewer has reported a unique sighting on the shores of the Abaolone Archipelago. Scientists have named these new creamy wonders "Creamtopus". It had crawled onto our beach seeking food. The anonymous viewer said that when they fed the mollusk a bite of their treat, the creamtopus quickly grew friendly.

What a fascinating discovery here in our sunny home! Experts believe that this may only be the introduction of a mollusk migration. We certainly hope to see more. If any current viewers watching have your own experience with a creamtopus please do send in a report to our news channel. This has been Bao Broadcasting Corporation. Until next time!

2023-08-01 16:57:24