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dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1: Today I went paragliding over the ocean and I saw a bunch of round, moving shapes clumped together in the water!! I think they were creamtopi!!!!!

2023-08-02 05:56:38

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 2: I went back to the beach near where I saw the shapes, and there were 5!! 5 WHOLE creamtopi on the shore!!!!! There were two vanillas and three chocolates :3

2023-08-03 01:51:08

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 3: Today I was eating on the beach, and a strawberry creamtopus came up to me! I tried sharing my corn dog with it, but it didn't seem to like it. It DID like my churro, and it got cinnamon sugar all over itself! Now we match!!

2023-08-04 19:09:10

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 4: I poked a creamtopus and it was sooooooooo cold and squishy!

2023-08-06 07:40:57

dellabeat Avatar

Chuchu's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 5: I tried talking to a creamtopus, but all they say are these quiet popping noises. Is there a creamtopus-to-baobear dictionary?!?!?

2023-08-07 06:17:50