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Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 1
> after i got off my shift at the bakery, i was on my way to visit my baofriend, and i saw a really! cool!! creature!!! it wouldn't let go of my leg so it is mine now. its name is nilla because it reminds me of the vanilla ice cream my baofriend sells. i love this little friend!!!!

2023-08-01 20:14:58 (Edited 2023-08-01 20:15:26)

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 2
> today i meant to get up really early to go for a walk and look for more creamtopi, but nilla and i ended up sleeping in and i was almost late for work! the cookies won't make themselves :( i will look for the sea-crits on my lunch break...

2023-08-02 05:29:05

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 3
> my lunch break search was unsuccessful. i now have no food and no new discoveries on the creamtopi. maybe they need to be lured out...

2023-08-03 00:01:10

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 4
> today i made an exciting discovery!!! i was eating my after work treat when nilla swiped it from me and ran off. i followed them and i found a whole swarm of creamtopi feasting on my sugary snack!

2023-08-04 13:22:26

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 5
> finding the creamtopi was a mistake. nilla now sits atop my head as a crown. they have made me their leader and will not let me leave. i hope my baofriend isn't too lonely today.

2023-08-05 15:59:33

Samagirl Avatar

(oops site hasn't rolled yet)

2023-08-02 23:52:08 (Edited 2023-08-02 23:53:02)