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Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 24
The pattern on the floor leads to the glass case with the sugar gem inside. It has to be something important… but what? There is no light coming from the room, besides the sugar gem and the area by the door. Maybe there is a clue in the book?

2023-12-26 03:13:41

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 25
I check over the book..slowly this time and notice something stuck between a page. It looks like a green glowy book mark? It has a similar symbol on it and few words I can’t really make out. “The path to enter is yours, but you must remember the course” what does that mean..?

2023-12-27 02:39:25

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 26
I pondered as I tried to figure out this riddle…why are things so difficult..? I just wanted to figure out where these crystals came from…
I slouch in the corner sulking almost ready to accept defeat…then I remembered something important! Maybe the dashes on the floor were movement? Or maybe something else in the book? I retrace my steps more determined than ever.

2023-12-28 03:20:11

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 27
After researching the books I think I found something finally! I think these dashes need to be put in the right order…maybe by using the light from the sugar crystal! I am gonna try it out. After using the light from the crystal the shine on the floor it worked! Now to get them in order and finally proceed!

2023-12-29 03:16:37

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 28
After working out the pattern with a bunch of steps and confusion. I finally was able to figure it out…I wonder what all these colours mean and if they serve a purpose? Anywho after I did all these things a door appeared at the back of the room..I walk over carefully..what if it’s boobytrapped!!?

2023-12-30 06:27:59