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Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 26
I pondered as I tried to figure out this riddle…why are things so difficult..? I just wanted to figure out where these crystals came from…
I slouch in the corner sulking almost ready to accept defeat…then I remembered something important! Maybe the dashes on the floor were movement? Or maybe something else in the book? I retrace my steps more determined than ever.

2023-12-28 03:20:11

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 27
After researching the books I think I found something finally! I think these dashes need to be put in the right order…maybe by using the light from the sugar crystal! I am gonna try it out. After using the light from the crystal the shine on the floor it worked! Now to get them in order and finally proceed!

2023-12-29 03:16:37

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 28
After working out the pattern with a bunch of steps and confusion. I finally was able to figure it out…I wonder what all these colours mean and if they serve a purpose? Anywho after I did all these things a door appeared at the back of the room..I walk over carefully..what if it’s boobytrapped!!?

2023-12-30 06:27:59