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Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 9
Waiting for the cake to be done and AHhah! It’s perfect. I love the colour and texture. I can’t wait to sell these at my stand tomorrow !

2023-12-10 06:51:50

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 10
Everything is packed and adorable! I can’t wait to sell them. I can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they take a bite! :3

2023-12-11 05:29:09

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 11
I have the cake pops all decorated and pack and ready to be sold! Now we wait for someone to buy some…though I did get here a little early so it make take awhile..maybe I should go for a stroll real quick…

2023-12-12 06:51:35

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 12
On my stroll I stumbled across a mysterious path..but I didn’t have time to check it out. I gotta get back to my stand and serve these cake pops before I officially open. I open up shop and wait for the first customer..they get here and I am so excited. I tell them all about the new cakepops I made and they were so excited to try it!

2023-12-13 06:46:25

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 13
But then something came hailing from the sky and bonk them right on the nose and they had to take the cakepop to go. I was so sad because I wanted to see how much they liked it… I went outside to investigate and thats when I noticed it was raining sugar crystals!

2023-12-14 06:43:01