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Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 13
But then something came hailing from the sky and bonk them right on the nose and they had to take the cakepop to go. I was so sad because I wanted to see how much they liked it… I went outside to investigate and thats when I noticed it was raining sugar crystals!

2023-12-14 06:43:01

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 14
The sudden pouring of sugar gems were concerning and luckily I had an umbrella! I know this might sound a little crazy but I wanted to get to the source…why the sudden down pour and why now..? Time to follow the trail.

2023-12-15 14:47:07

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 15
I follow the trail and I can’t believe my eyes! It’s complete rainbow over here! How did this happen… The light is calling to me I must follow!

2023-12-16 21:20:45

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 16
The light is so bright..really makes me question the direction I’m going in and gosh the pain to the eyes. But what I saw I didn’t expect to see…a machine..?

2023-12-17 06:47:40

Bloo Avatar

Sprinkles Sugar Gem Log: Day 17
This machine was taking all these magical looking colours..? And mixing them into this giant machine…is this where the sugar gems are made..? Was that even their name? I must take a look around…is anyone else here.

2023-12-18 06:10:23