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dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log:
Entry 6: Nanan got bored of writing journal entries so this is Blubeary! We saw a really cool aurora borealis on our way back over the mountain. I wonder if the sugar gem fall had something to do with it? We've gotten a pretty good haul. I wouldn't have been able to find them all without Nanan's help!

2023-12-18 01:19:20

dragondoggo Avatar

Sugar Gem Collection Log:
Entry 7: This is Nanan again!! We made it back home with all the sugar gems and had enough to share with everyone! They are super sweet and tasty, and the quest we went on to get them made them even tastier! I can't wait for whatever the next adventure we go on is! >w<

2023-12-22 03:09:50