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freychuu Avatar

Day 4: Chou
“After Artemis and I awoke from our nap we decided to visit Loretta’s library! It might give us some clues and would be better than running around aimlessly. What kind of star could it be? Why is it falling now? I must know!”

2023-12-05 01:15:30

freychuu Avatar

Day 5: Chou
“We finally reached Loretta’s place! How cozy and warm her house is. If we weren’t in a rush I would’ve stayed for a bit!”
“Loretta gave us a book to read that sounds like what we are describing. We studied and pieced some things together and eventually drew a map! Onto this journey we go!”

2023-12-06 23:16:36

freychuu Avatar

Day 6: Chou
"Loretta decided to stay home. She has many frogberts to take care of afterall. So it's just Artemis and me on this journey! The book says these falling stars come down to earth once a year! How amazing! We need to journey to a secluded forest and mountain side. It will be quite the journey so Loretta gave us some food and backpacks."

2023-12-07 19:01:24

freychuu Avatar

Day: 7: Chou
"After hiking a massive mountain with Cocoawe finally reached this rumoured place. We set up camp and waited for the star shower."
"Some time passed and nighttime fell. Cocoa and I started getting a bit tired. The hot cocoa wasn't helping us stay awake.. Just as we were about to give up and head to bed a glimmer fell from the sky. Shortly after the sky was painted with all sorts of colors. It looked like fireworks falling onto earth! How beautiful it was. One fell near our camp.. and.. it's a sugar gem. These sweet tasting stars that are meant to be shared. How wonderful it is to experience such a sky! We collected as many as possible and were excited to share what we saw with everyone else!"

2023-12-10 00:31:30 (Edited 2023-12-11 00:14:08)

freychuu Avatar

Day 8: Chou
"Waking up in the morning after a long refreshing sleep is the best thing ever! Yesterday Cocoa and I witnessed a beautiful nightsky of falling stars! We gathered a bunch of sugar gems and are now moving towards out next destination. A magical lake where the water mirrors the sky."

2023-12-11 00:15:12