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Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.15
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

It seems that the creamtopi that frequent my cafe have gotten used to the lost and found system I set up previously… I just so happened to peer out from behind the counter and saw a creamtopus leading a lost tourist-y bao to the pile before plucking out a bag to return to them. Ahh… it warms my stuffing to see these creatures be good samaritans.
Additional detail of note: my odd-mark creamtopus friend showed up again today, and I've learned that he enjoys cream soda. I'll plan to see if they sell other flavors at a later date.

2023-08-15 04:16:55

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.16
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

Today's a restock day—this week's shipment was several days later than it usually would be… thanks to the increase in tourism because of the creamtopi that come around, it's been a rough couple of days to go with less stock. I am bear-y happy to see fresh veggies once more… and it looks like a non-zero amount of creamtopi are too. Yep, seems like they really do have preferences.
It also seems like my chipped-cone friend enjoys veggies. They have a heavy preference for cucumbers… how dignified.

2023-08-16 03:14:15

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.17
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

A new group of creamtopi have arrived at my stand today… this one is compromised of mostly strawberry ones. They seem to be very… how does one say, catty? They were welcomed into the regular group, but quite quickly started to influence the others… it seems that even creamtopi have cliques.
When looking at them, I keep hearing baos mention something about Wednesdays and the color pink. But… isn't it a day too late for that…?

2023-08-17 04:00:21

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.18
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

Another end of the week has come, and it seems that the creamtopus numbers are slowly spacing out. The weather is no colder, but perhaps they know it is almost time to pack up their things and leave… this time of year is quite lonely, isn't it?
As all the visitors dwindle, that means there's less tables for my creamtopi friends to clean, at least. Alas, how bittersweet…

2023-08-18 04:03:55

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.19
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

It seems that a collection of my usual creamtopi visitors and some tourists are planning… something. I've been told not to think too much about it, but my innate curiosity can't help but be piqued. Well… I do have my hands quite full with end-of-season prep around the shop, so I can't get distracted for too long…
Ah! It's just about time to wrap up these journal entries as well! I wonder if the creamtopi appreciate my notes.

2023-08-19 03:51:02