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goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue: day 2 ~
i had never seen anything like it. it's pretty cute though :3 i wonder if nia would like something like this? i picked up the creature, deciding to take it home. but first, i decided to walk around the beach some more and see if i could find some more of these little things!

2023-08-12 01:53:04

goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue day 3 ~
with the little creature in my paws, i made my way over closer to the shore and sure enough, i spotted two more of them! one in brown and one in cream...kind of reminded me of chocolate and vanilla ice cream!

2023-08-13 04:58:55

goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue day 4 ~
so far i've spotted three of these little creatures! in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry--a neapolitan of cuties just like my darling nia!🥺 i set the strawberry one in my paws down on the sand and it gestured toward a shallow tide pool in the looked like it wanted me to follow it over to there?

2023-08-14 04:24:26

goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue day 5 ~
i followed it to the tide pool and guess what!! i spotted three more of them hanging out in there! two pink ones and one brown one.

2023-08-16 01:07:35

goo Avatar

~ beau's creamtopus catalogue day 6 ~
so the pink strawberry creature is following me around the beach now. cool. guess i have a new friend! i'm naming it squishy.

2023-08-17 02:07:56