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Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 1
Today, a mass wave of Creamtopus washed ashore! I'm jealous... even with those tiny legs, they are able to walk on land albeit rather slow.

2023-08-04 14:11:50

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 21
It's my last day here documenting the creamtopus. Still no sign of the pink creamtopus from a few days ago : ( But that's okay! I've had a lot of fun watching these guys go about their days and learned so much! I hope I can see them again next time : ) Maybe other baos out there managed to form a friendship with the creamtopus like me and Calamari!

2023-08-29 11:50:20

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 20
I wonder if Creamtopus gets any friendly parasites to help it clean it's cone? Like a shark! Or maybe they help each other out?

2023-08-28 16:43:09

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 19
OH NO!! I saw someone walking while not paying attentiong STEPPING on one of the poor creamtopus!! It looked like it was genuinely hurt and started clinging on the stepper's foot as if it's... attacking it? Not sure, the stepper seems okay tho!

2023-08-27 04:00:33

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 18
Another day or normal creamtopus activity... No sign of the pink creamtopus.

2023-08-26 01:36:06

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 17
It seems the creamtopus have sorted themselves in colour. I think it's helping each other clean their cones with their sticky tentacles. How fascinating!

2023-08-25 09:18:05