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Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 1
Today, a mass wave of Creamtopus washed ashore! I'm jealous... even with those tiny legs, they are able to walk on land albeit rather slow.

2023-08-04 14:11:50

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 16
I saw this very adorable pink creamtopus! I tried really hard for it to befriend Calamari... It seems like it got angry and "ran" away...

2023-08-24 12:57:12

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 15
Today, something surprising happened! A white creamtopus... started following me at one point~ It's been like this for the past 2 hours. I think it likes me! Can I take it home? I'll name it... Calamari !

2023-08-23 10:08:09

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 14
There was a sudden storm today! I was wondering why the Creamtopus were acting weird and scattering themselves in search of shelter. Now I know why!

2023-08-22 09:02:23

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 13
I fell asleep on the sandy beach at one point... Not sure how that happened but I woke up to a bunch of creamtopus surrounding me! It shocked me at first but ultimately it felt so comfortable that I fell right back asleep!

2023-08-21 13:04:18

Sanmedare Avatar

Hana's Creamtopus Catalogue: Day 12
I noticed two creamtopus were alone together, a bit of a distance away from the group. Are they... having a date?!?!

2023-08-20 17:32:58