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Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 4
> today i made an exciting discovery!!! i was eating my after work treat when nilla swiped it from me and ran off. i followed them and i found a whole swarm of creamtopi feasting on my sugary snack!

2023-08-04 13:22:26

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 5
> finding the creamtopi was a mistake. nilla now sits atop my head as a crown. they have made me their leader and will not let me leave. i hope my baofriend isn't too lonely today.

2023-08-05 15:59:33

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 6
> being the creamtopi king isn't all that bad! they keep bringing me gifts, but i think they're starting to get hungry. maybe i can find a time to sneak away and get them something tasty to buy my freedom...

2023-08-06 04:13:19 (Edited 2023-08-06 04:19:30)

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 7
> i've done it. i've escaped the creamtopi. now time to get a tasty snack and see my baofriend! : )

2023-08-07 00:25:15

Samagirl Avatar

Cookie's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 8
> the creamtopi have noticed my absence. i am hiding in a crate and snacking on some cookies... maybe they'll leave before i finish

2023-08-08 03:04:31