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Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.1
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

It's about that time of year again, isn't it?
Today, as I was preparing to set up shop, I spotted a cluster of three creamtopi (Is that the plural of creamtopus? Uncertain.) that reminded me of neopolitan ice cream. It seems this trio was doing their best to appeal to tourists for snacks by stacking atop eachother, like one tall ice cream cone. Though it was much too early in the morning for anyone to be up, let alone visiting the beach...
More observations to come.

2023-08-01 18:41:57 (Edited 2023-08-01 18:44:03)

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.2
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

In the middle of the day, I spotted a lone creamtopus crawling along the shore. It happened upon a discarded bag of soggy cheese puffs... and I couldn't help but watch it fish one out to sample. Almost immediately it shriveled up in disgust and simply laid there until I walked over and gave it a spoonful of mango sherbet.
This one has a mark on the right side of its head as if it were partially melted, but that doesn't seem to bother it now that it's regained its energy. Off it goes to find its friends...
And off I go to throw away this litter.

2023-08-02 05:11:20

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.3
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

Near the end of the day, I happened to spot two creamtopi—a pink one and a white one—shuffling along the coastline. The white one looked to be… chasing the pink one, for some reason. Was this some sort of creamtopus date gone wrong?
Ah, the white creamtopus has caught up. It looks as if they're having a heated talk… oh no, it looks as if the white one has been struck across its face with a strawberry-flavored tentacle. The pink one shuffled away angrily as the white one simply wandered off in a different direction… ouch, that's rough buddy. I'll grab one of the leftover ice pops to give to it momentarily.
Haven't seen the creamtopus with the weird mark again yet… I'll give it a couple days.

2023-08-03 04:18:45

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.4
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

During one of the hottest stretches of the day, a small group of creamtopi have gathered underneath one of the umbrella tables I have set out for customers. Thankfully, most people are letting them rest peacefully… but I've had to shoo off a couple rowdy baos who keep trying to disturb their peace.
I brought out a big bowl of shaved ice for the crowd. They seem grateful… and that just warms my stuffing to the core. They're… so darn cute…

2023-08-04 05:58:39

Monadx0x0 Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue ~ Beach-side Observation Log ~ AUG.5
>> Entry penned by Akata Nyx

Today, during the early morning hours once more, I spotted a lone creamtopus with a chipped cone. Sadly this is not my friend with the weird mark, but but this creamtopus was friendly nonetheless. It seemed quite displeased with mango sherbet, but enjoyed the peach sherbet I had in the back of my freezer for a rainy day. Well… it isn't raining, but the snack came in useful in one way or another.
I do have to wonder… is a creamtopus' hankering for sweet treats universal, or does each one have a preference? All I can conclude is that they at least have minor preferences in what they DO eat.

2023-08-05 04:33:38