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Bloo Avatar

Day 5: Creamtopus log

The creamtopi ? (Maybe gotta do more research) decided to make cute circles in the sand making an intricate pattern..are they trying to communicate??

2023-08-08 01:26:42

Bloo Avatar

Day. 6: Creamtopus Log

After spending all day and most of the evening designing the sand…others joined it! So many I have lost track a swarm of them? Or a scoop? Either way it was lovely.

2023-08-08 15:51:28

Bloo Avatar

Day 7: Creamtopus Log

The beaches has been covered recently and I’m not complaining……but I am wondering if this has anything to do with what happened last night? These little creatures seem to be gathering even more.

2023-08-09 19:01:08

Bloo Avatar

Day 8: Creamtopus Log

The ocean is filled with so many of them…I wander if this time of year ( or day??) is important to them? Going to scout out and report back.

2023-08-10 20:16:27

Bloo Avatar

Day 9: Creamtopus Log

After scouting the area the little guys were all on the shore of the beach. I am currently remaining out of sight just in case I’m in the way. They seem to be talking to each other with the little up and down motion.

2023-08-11 21:47:28