MYO-102: Quiche
Owned by Monadx0x0
Bon Baoyage Quest Log

"Perfect timing! Wanna get a few cooking supplies?" — Xiangling, Genshin Impact
> Quiche Benedict Eggerton
- Male (he/him, they/them)
- Adult age
- runs a Bed & Breakfast joint, Heaven's Egg, in New Bao City
- calls his employees "egglets" and is referred to as the "Big Egg Boss"
- says he came down from Bao Heaven(tm) with a basket of eggs to bless the populace with eggs aplenty
- in truth, probably just watched too much anime
- is quite smart, but doesn't use his head as often as he should
- tends to fall asleep at inopportune moments
- head's almost always in the clouds... he's floatin' away...
- wouldn't say he has a God Complex, but he feels... Holy. just Holy
- often flutters around with his little wings
- likes using his halo as a frizbee, like S/ilor M/on
Stamp Collection

Registered x1
All the pets that this Baobear owns.




Honey Butter
