face addition (★★★ rare)
An additional facial feature (ex. horns, teeth). This is a universal tag, used as a placeholder when unsure of the specific trait being depicted.
scallop ear (★★★ rare)
A scalloped shaped ear. Any changes to ear shape can only effect one ear.
Obtained: N/A
body addition (★★★ rare)
An additional limb (ex. paw or wings). This is a universal tag, used as a placeholder when unsure of the specific trait being depicted.
pixie wings (★★★ rare)
A pair of small, butterfly-shaped wings.
Obtained: Butterberry
scaley body (★★★ rare)
Scales have begun to grow on your baobear's body!
Obtained: Scaleberry
shaped tail (★★★ rare)
multiple tails (★★★ rare)
Multiple tails, not necessarily of the same shape. Each tail counts as one limb for the purposes of rarity.
giant trait (★★★ rare)
The giant trait can be applied to a face, body, or tail feature.
It can be a maximum of 200% of the baobear's head (for face traits, ex. antlers) or body (for body and tail traits, ex. wings) size.
Unless a specific berry is used, the trait must previously have been 'large' before it can be upgraded to 'giant'.
This is a universal tag.
segmented tail (★★★ rare)
A segmented or stacked tail. Each segment counts as a seperate limb for the purposes of rarity.
Each segment follows the shape of the 'base' segment.
Obtained: N/A