Trait Categories



[ tail ]
★ standard short and round tails
★★ long and/or fluffy tails
★★★ simple shaped
☆ multiple or complex tails

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 

By default, baobears have short and round tails. By round, this simply means they are smooth and not so fluffy. Tails can ONLY have simple shapes, ex. stars, hearts, clovers. Complex or textured tails (ex. flower shaped/ridges/bumps/scales) would require a filling feature or a multiple/complex tail upgrade.

​The size of a baobear's tail cannot exceed a length/size of 200% of the baobears body.  Size changes must be done in order, either smaller or larger. For example, a short tail cannot immediately be upgraded to giant tail, they must become medium sized first.

Small (standard): maximum of 25% of the baobear's body size
Long: maximum of 100% of the baobear's body size
Giant: maximum of 200% of the baobear's body size

When changing traits, if editing the shape, the size will remain the same. Similarly, if editing the size, the shape will remain the same. 

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