Trait Categories



[ pouch ]
edible: pink / red / yellow / green range
★★ inedible: any / monochrome colours
magical: any / monochrome / multiple colours

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All baobear's have circular cheek pouches on their face, commonly referred to as pouches. These pouches store excess food, which can then be converted into magic and energy for the baobear. 

A baobear's pouch is visible on their face and can change colours! Colour changes can be caused by what a baobear is filled with that day, or even their emotions! Typically, the pouches will present only one colour, unless they have eaten a magic item.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 

A baobear that can only eat edible food will only eat things typically consumed by human beings, like fruits, veggies, and meat.
A baobear that can eat inedible food will consume anything edible and inedible, including items such as flowers, rocks, twigs, and so on.
A baobear that can eat magical food will eat anything, edible or inedible, and anything magical! Magical foods include any fantasy or made up items, like cloud cakes or winter sparkle flowers.

A baobear's ability to convert food into magic is indicative of their magical strength. Hence, what colours a baobear's cheeks pouches can potentially take is determined by what types of food they can eat. 

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