Trait Categories



[ filling features ]​​
★ no filling feature
☆ has filling feature

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 

Baobears can also present filling features. Features are specifically for traits that would otherwise not appear naturally on animals or other baobears, for example, having slime or actual plant-body parts. Features are permanent, physical changes on the baobear's body. Filling features are divided into two types: texture changes and replacements.

Texture changes include changing skin or fur texture. For example, adding scales or feathers to any part of the body or making fur texture gooey or slimey.

Replacements are features that takes over a different trait. For example, instead of a standard small, round tail, the tail is now an actual, physical flower (this is different from a flower shaped tail, in that the flower is alive, has a more complex shape, can wilt, and so on!).

Typically, only one unique feature is ever present on a baobear over the course of their lifetime. Some baobears can present multiple features simultaneously, but these are quite rare! Anything that does not physically change the baobear (ex. sparkles, etc.), so long as they do not 'grow' on them, and are treated as a stylistic choice or accessories, can be used freely!

Filling features require a (☆) UNIQUE star to obtain. Typically, you can get filling features through berries.

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