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Nora Avatar

Day 18: exploring the depth of the cave, me and Tangerine wonder about the origins of the sugar gems, and why they'd supposedly be in a cave

2024-01-14 22:26:16

Nora Avatar

Day 19: the day Tangerine stops eating tangerines I will fear for my life
Their eyes glow as they point towards the orange sugar gems
I throw them a tangerine before they start eating the gems

2024-01-15 03:03:27

Nora Avatar

Day 20: they're pretty crumbly, i'm looking at the small hammer and pickaxe I brought and hold in a sigh. Dead weight but it's better to be prepared

2024-01-17 18:35:15

Nora Avatar

Day 21: one sack down, another to go. Tangerine suggested they eat the tangerines from their "emergency" sack so we could have some space, but I'm afraid they'll go crazy If we go through with that. It's unusual, though, that they're actively helping picking sugar gems up.

2024-01-18 00:36:40

Nora Avatar

Day 22: (Tangerine's pov) choking on the orange colored sugar gem they put in their mouth ghhhb cough Ghhkhgh

2024-01-19 23:08:09