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Nora Avatar

Day 10: Basket in hand, Tangerine holding my hand, I split from Hanami and Yume and leave for the darkest part of the cave. I got a flashlight and Tangerine with me, it should be enough

2024-01-05 01:20:03

Nora Avatar

Day 11: Yume, Abyss and I decide to go back towards the city, maybe being in the open so soon wasn't a good idea. We start to make our way through the forest

2024-01-06 00:03:21

Nora Avatar

Day 12: I see something in the darkness, it's glittering a little, it spot it between the trees in the distance

2024-01-08 20:37:09

Nora Avatar

Day 13: we move towards the glittering light, it keeps flickering in different colors, and reach a clearing between the trees.

2024-01-09 03:57:29

Nora Avatar

Day 14: we reach the clearing and all around us, glittering sugar gems sparkle, sprinkling the grass like sweet flowers of the night.

2024-01-10 19:40:51