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Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 19
This time, I went out by the beach to see if any gems washed up - I ended up finding THREE!

2023-12-22 23:28:06

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 20
I only found one sugar gem today, but it's soooo pretty...! Sometimes one is all you need.

2023-12-23 13:05:52

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 21
It started to slow today, brrrr!! But I did find a sugar gem among the snowflakes, so I consider that a win!

2023-12-24 06:50:10

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 22
Oh no, I got so caught up with end of the year holidays that I totally forgot to update my log!! Good thing a sugar gem fell right in front of me tonight and reminded me!

2024-01-05 14:30:30

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 23
It was toooo chilly to go outside tonight... Sorry, sugar gems, I'll have to find you some other time!

2024-01-06 06:33:53